Author Topic: Cymarc Over Dash GPS Mount V-Strom 2012 +  (Read 4551 times)

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Cymarc Over Dash GPS Mount V-Strom 2012 +
« on: January 17, 2014, 21:25:49 »
The ideal place for your GPS is above the clocks, you don't want to be glancing down if you can help it. The Cymarc GPS Mount (V-Strom 2012 onwards) provides a secure, stable and vibration free mount for your GPS. You need to supply your own Ram Arm here

1. First Impressions/Unboxing Impressions

Quality engineering and a quality finish. All hardware included.

2. Initial Setup/Installation

The installation is extremely straightforward, remove your Screen and use existing mounting points, the end result is a solid fit in a matter of minutes.

3. Real World Testing (how did it perform)

It looks great and presents your GPS where it should be!

4. Specs & Other noteworthy facts

Supplied here.
Ram Arm here

5. Tester's Opinion (summary)

Superb, buy one!!

6. Star Rating

I give this 5 Stars....  :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

1 star = piece of crap
2 star = maybe I should have done more research before buying this?
3 star = decent bit of kit for the money
4 star = better than expected with some nice extras/features
5 star = does it have a sister I can marry?! (aka I will buy this again!)

7. Pictures

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