Our works office I right across the road from South Wales Polices's roads policeing team base.
The amount of illegal e-scooters and bikes going up and down the road would keep their team in work all day.
And there inlies the problem... like holding back the tide.
Sure we see a few picutres of bikes taken off the road on their social media accounts but it's too much work to process if they stop everyone.
And then they'll have no time to stop mr doped up (uninsured) BMW driver doing 90mph in the middle lane while playing candy crush.
Or time to drink coffe and eat doughnuts... it's no supprise there is a very fancy cake shop accross the road!

£500-£1000 of mammy's money for an imported e-motorbike, no lessons, no test, no safety gear laws, no being the joke with "learner" plates.
Or £3000 plus for a new 125cc bike, £300+ on basic gear, CBT costs every 2 years and then if you have the audacity to want to do your test, you're then restricted to certain size bike unless you pay and do the test all over again.
Simple choice really.
Small bike shops are closing as the owners retire and no-one wants to buy the business, big dealers spending to keep ahead of the game in the downward trending market internationaly and thus over reaching their finances.
Big brands are not exempt either.
KTM have recently been in the news for financial troubles, with large stockpiles of bikes no-one is prepared to buy.
Everything is getting more tech oriented and the basic simple bikes are all but consigned to history along with affordable and sensible pricing.
Recipe for disaster.