mrklunk, is that imperial mpgs or US (think the latter is always lower)
That aside, it depends on a lot of factors. If I'm doing a lot of motorways and stay below an indicated 70mph the bike shows I get between 60-65mph depending on weather. Above an indicated 70mph (aka satnav 70mph, which can be 77mph on the bike) it can struggle to hit 60mph depending on weather. 80+ in Germany was like the bike developed a serious drink problem (that was two up with luggage).
Riding short distances, lots of stop/starts and filtering through lots of heavy traffic can kill mpg too.
Usually if my mpgs seem low and I'm riding normally, it can be a good indicator that the brakes need a clean. Last time this happened on of my dust seals had popped so brakes needed a refresh.
Summer time doing 50-60mph can give 70+mpgs.
Whilst I like getting high mpgs, sometimes it's nice to ride a bike as a bike likes to be ridden - I don't mean speeding but rather using the rev range