Nice pub with campsite attached - stayed there a few times when out exploring the plains having somewhere to eat close by or to be able to cook your meals in any weather is also an important factor I found with camping, even just being able to boil water for a cuppa in the morning I find important in case you've had a rather cold night.
We've used various stoves and cook sets, petrol Coleman stoves, those nasty square gas things and have settled on the good old Trangia stove.
Nearly everything comes inside the cook-set, keeping pack size small, meths is available most petrol stations and supermarkets if you run out of fuel, but I prefer to use ether Bio-ethanol or the optional gas burner.
I've looked at the Vango Galaxy a few times, and they look impressive for the size of tent and living space you get vs pack size.
I tent to swap and change tents/kit depending on what facilities the site has and the forecast weather.
Some will say I have too many tents, and far to much camping gear.... it's a good job my daughter (currently 4 years old) has also developed the camping bug and has even made me camp out in the garden.

I still like to use my Vango Banshee 200 or 300 (300 for longer stays or if I know the weather is going to be less than perfect)
I also have the gear store, to add a bit of extra space and a larger built in canopy to cook under.
I can just about sit up in either of them, but getting dressed is either lay down inside or show the whole world outside.
My old Vango Spirit 200+ may get an outing next year as I've seam sealed it after some of the tape started to peal off after 13 years.
it's got a nice size porch, and spacious for one person, snug for two, but you're still lying down really to get dressed, though getting in and out is a bit easier than the banshees.