I'd still opt for the BT-023 over the newer models - same level of grip with a longer life span.
the T-30, 31 & 32 are all efforts for increase sales with the same level of grip and less lifespan than the 023. - higher number must be better, mustn't it???
They got the formular spot on with the BT-023, I have to really crack open the throttle on the GSX1400 to make the rear step out even slightly on a warm dry road. Wet weather grip is also far ahead of the competition back in the day, and only surpassed by the like of the Conti sport range now but the Conti's have far less lifespan.
To be honest, if it's holding air and there is a decent amount of rubber left, I'd just leave the plug in. I've been running a Dyna plug in the rear of my car for 2-3k now, no issues.
if your parrinoid