Summary: A description of how to repair a corroded water pump cover on either the Vee or Wee.
The original post was made by Minkyhead and can be found here.I'm all out of warranty, so I thought I would sort the water pumps on the vee and the wee.
I thought I would give them a go in-situ and if it went naff, then take them off and start again.
Using a Dremmel and some mini wire brushes, which takes all the crap back to the metal and provides a very smooth base to paint. Slow the dremmel down and you can blend the paint covering into the bare metal. Finish with fine wire wool (also on the paint).
Halfords matt engine paint spreads very smoothly and dries in 10mins. It has a kind of matt satin finish. Use a couple of fine artists brushes and the overall finish is pretty good. Better than the furry stuff anyway.

A pretty easy and cheap solution

The Wee
The Vee