Ay up me duck.
Screens? Yes, they can be a pain in the ear hole. And your wallet.
Maybe the bike just doesn't fit you. It happens.
Since purchasing our 650 last year we've done a lot to change the ergonomics and it drives me nuts that manufacturers could help but don't. It's not just Suzuki, they're all the same and offer little adjustability as standard.
But what about your screen?
Why not post your height, screen height and anything else you think is relevant, such as mirror type and extenders etc and see if someone similar has solved the issue.
As you live in the middle of dear old blighty can someone offer you a swap for an hour or so to see if they have a solution that works for you too.
I am tall and sit two inches higher than std, the Loster screen and Puig adjustable flip works OK for me. But other folks solutions only work for them and might be dire for you. I also run std mirrors and Oxford extenders.
I've got nothing else, but if you're passing Northumberland you're welcome to try mine.
I note your other bikes are scooters, have you been cosseted behind a large close fitting screen for too long?