Oily Rag - Dedicated to Pat, Greywolf. 26/06/45 - 04/06/18 > Accessories and After Market items

Another Top Box Thread...Givi Trekker Adapter Plate


So, I have a Givi trekker 58L on the Benelli I want to use on the new v-strom.

Its a 22 plate DL650 AM3.

I've looked at the GIVI website and its confusing me so much...(doesn't take a lot)
I need the 3112 adapter...Super bike shop has 2 listed and I can't figure out if I need 1...or a combination of both?

There is an SR 3112 and an SRA 3112 - I THINK I can buy either of these and they do the same job, one is just a fancy aluminium plate, the other is plastic. but for some reason I have it in my head that I need the aluminium plate then the plastic one on top of that?  :crazy: my

Could anyone confirm?
I have attached images of both sets of instructions as they both seem to be "complete" units and would allow me without buying the other one to attach my trekker to the rack.
I think what is confusing me is the "must be combined with a givi top plate sold separately"
So the bit my box actually attaches to isn't included in the SR kit. but in the SRA kit it is?  :shrug:

- As I  was writing this, I noticed the contents of the first one, the SR kit do NOT list a top plate but the SRA one does, so I am now presuming I actually just need EITHER the SR kit + a top plate. OR the SRA kit on its own.

Upt North:
You just need the aluminium plate.
It's nice and close fitting, I'll post a picture showing if I can.

Upt North:
You can just about see the aluminium plate. The extra supports work well.

Upt North:
They will say to fit the fatter rubbers to support the top box, try the normal ones already fitted first. They work fine on mine.

Thanks upt north!!
Much appreciated 👍🏻

I did notice the rubber replacement thing when I fitted it to my benelli.
Never swapped them as it wasn't necessary.
I'll scout it out this time but I'm presuming still don't need it.


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