Oily Rag - Dedicated to Pat, Greywolf. 26/06/45 - 04/06/18 > Accessories and After Market items
brake pipe extension
Hi, anyone adapted / changed the length of front brake hoses on a 650 ? I need to (I think) to make the length accommodate a high rise thingy. Or is there a cross over from another model that would work ?
Rusty Nuts:
I'm guessing you have handlebar risers? Most of us have managed to slightly reroute the first hose so it just fits. Obviously this depends on your risers height, your handlebars and. the particular model. Newer ones may not be as easy to alter.
If that doesn't work, HEL brakes make replacement hoses and can add length for you. Usually they have a sale at the beginning of December.
nigel s:
On my'22 1" bar backs is the most that will go without undue stress on the brake line, throttle can be flipped out of the wire guide and is OK.
I too can recommend Hel lines , used them a few times .
Rusty Nuts / yes it looks like the first hose is re-routable as it is in something of a loop. Presumably straightening this out will give me some slight play for adjusting to suit risers. I don't think it will impede or change the dynamic of the hydraulics. I just wondered why it's in said loop and not straight in the first place ?
And Nigel S ... thanks for the tip ref. throttle cables...
I'll try both suggestions and if no good will speak with HEL as they state on the website that they can modify new pipes ..
Thanks .
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