Oily Rag - Dedicated to Pat, Greywolf. 26/06/45 - 04/06/18 > Screens

2024 V-Strom 1050 replacement screen


I just traded my 2019 V-Strom 1000 for a new 2024 model :lala: I had a Givi tall screen on the old one (which was perfect) and purchased another Givi for this one - Model no. D3117ST. Problem is.... it's too tall! 575mm from base to top. When in the fully up position I have to look though it (me no likey) and when in lowest position I struggle to look over it.

Any ideas for other screens that will be taller than standard but not mega tall for the 2024 V-Strom 1050? :icon_wink:

I'm 5'10" BTW. Ta

nigel s:
marko, just putting this out there, I don,t know the screen you are talking about but with care it is possible to cut them down.
I have done it many times, and after polishing the cut edge, looks OEM.
As you already have it , may be worth a go , saving the price of a new one, that may not work too :shrug:

Pannier Down:
AF3117 Airflow works best for me on the 1050. The adjustable section means you can get it just where you want it.  Really effective,  just pig ugly.

Thanks both.

Not sure I have the skills to cut mine down! :icon_no: I can see others have done it with great success though...

Will the airflow version fit my 1050 RR M4? I see it listed by Givi as fitting the XT only??

I have a modified D3117st in the for sale section.  It works brilliantly  :thumb:


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