Author Topic: Fundraising  (Read 3777 times)

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Offline Fat Rat

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« on: June 02, 2013, 13:23:27 »
Most people have very individual views on Charity and fundraising so I'll keep this simple. As a group we have the potential (particularly at meets) to sling a couple of quid in a pot and direct that money to a charity of our choice, that may be a bike related charity (Air Ambulance etc.) or perhaps for our Armed Forces.

There are numerous charities and many people will support none, some will support a single charity for very personal reasons and some will support as many as they can.

I don't want to get into a debate about it because I'm sure it will end in tears. So.... a charity will be nominated prior to any organised event, at that event a hat (or similar receptacle) will be passed for a completely voluntary contribution, there will be absolutely no obligation or question if people choose not to donate.

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