V-Strom specific discussion > V-Strom specific discussion

Is this tyre safe..?

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Hi all,

I'm about 300 miles off the 10K mark with my Bridgestone A41s. I'm not sure they'd pass an MOT at this point, definitely borderline, so am getting them replaced with the same again in a couple of weeks by the same people who are doing the MOT that day.

Only thing is, I've just got back from work, including some site visits in the countryside, and have noticed a nasty looking hole in the tread. Trying to decide if I should bring forward the tyre fitting as I have another 200 or 300 miles or so of riding before currently planned appointment.

Thoughts? (See photos).

Upt North:
I think your question is your answer. You wouldn't have asked if you were comfortable with it. The carcass will be very thin by now and you're thinking how deep is the hole. I'm thinking how good is your life cover?
Maybe with a paper clip or similar you may be able to ascertain the depth, but I doubt it.
Is it front or rear.
If it was the rear you may be tempted to ride steady on it with a tin of foam at hand....just in case.
Good luck and check your cover.

Upt North:
I can see now it's the rear.

For the sake of a couple of hundred miles, might as well change em now.

Thanks Upt!

I've just brought the tyre change fwd by a week so will get done next Thursday now... I can probably make other arrangements between now and then and stay off it.

Update: holy crap! Just put a paper clip in there and at its deepest point the depth is about 5mm! Maybe even 6mm. Can't believe I just did all those fast and windy motorway miles to get home... although it may have been there for longer than I realise  :shock: Looks like no bike til next Thursday then. Although I'll chance riding it over to the garage which is about 20 mins away.

Bloody annoying as I wanted to get 10K out of em.


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