December 10, 2024, 09:31:24

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V-Strom specific discussion / Re: Crash bar vibrations
« Last post by Upt North on December 09, 2024, 12:50:01 »
That's what I thought with mine, that a force was being applied to both bars that was causing the vibration.
By putting the rubber dampers in the middle it went away.
From what you say that would seem to be the case. Which is why I said not to overtighten the centre front bolt and use the locknut.
V-Strom specific discussion / Re: Crash bar vibrations
« Last post by porter on December 09, 2024, 11:10:09 »
On my 1000 I had vibration at about 4000-5000 rpm with the oe Suzuki bars. I removed the crossbar section to see if it helped and the vibration went away, the crossbar has been hanging in the garage the last 8 years.
Humour / Re: Four Word Story
« Last post by 2112 on December 09, 2024, 10:55:14 »
that they could easily
Introductions / Re: New member
« Last post by The Doctor 46 on December 09, 2024, 09:58:29 »
Hello and  :welcome2:
The Blue Oyster bar / Re: Fingers crossed
« Last post by Rusty Nuts on December 09, 2024, 09:52:16 »
My 88 year old parents skipped church yesterday. This was in their way.
Any excuse.

V-Strom specific discussion / Re: What have you done with your V-Strom today?
« Last post by MilozFolly on December 09, 2024, 08:54:22 »
£210 for the pair is an absolute steal!!  Happy christmas :)
The Blue Oyster bar / Re: The moaning old git thread
« Last post by 2112 on December 09, 2024, 08:54:09 »
I fully agree with the above. The licencing laws were brought about to reduce deaths in younger riders, which it has because there hardly are any of them! You can get a cheap 1.0 car for less than a second hand 125cc bike, take one test and then you're done. Unless the law changes (unlikely) the decline in biking will cnntinue. As we get older and less able the latest batch of 400/500cc bikes might keep us on the road for an extra few years, but the death of the UK bike industry is nigh unless there are some radical changes.

One bright spot is that there are more ladies taking to biking now than ever before. That's a big change and very welcome, but they seem to be in a similar demographic to most males (over 40). It's a start and some of the new 400/500cc bikes have very low seat heights to accomodate their needs, another plus point.
Introductions / Re: New member
« Last post by MilozFolly on December 09, 2024, 08:36:22 »
 :welcani: nice colour scheme :)  Hopefully camping/adventure weather will return soon!
Introductions / Re: New member
« Last post by UK_Vstrom650 on December 09, 2024, 06:56:34 »
The Blue Oyster bar / Re: Fingers crossed
« Last post by NeilM on December 09, 2024, 06:52:50 »
The horses are fine thanks Nigel.

They live out, and as my chap Harry is 23, he's seen it all before.

Turns out it was not the mudguard that stopped the trailer rolling. The back of the wheel clamp was jammed hard against the leaf spring. If that had not happened, goodness knows how far the trailer would have travelled.

Back where it belongs now.
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